Moving circles
Fixing a bug
Our first task is to fix a bug with our menu system. Pressing the “Start” button launches a new game, but as the screen is moving off, it can be pressed again. Try “spamming” the start button - disaster ensues!
We can fix this by disabling the buttons while the screen transition is happening. Since we put all the buttons in a “buttons” group, we can easily do this with call_group()
Here’s the updated
extends CanvasLayer
onready var tween = $Tween
func appear():
get_tree().call_group("buttons", "set_disabled", false)
tween.interpolate_property(self, "offset:x", 500, 0,
0.5, Tween.TRANS_BACK, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
func disappear():
get_tree().call_group("buttons", "set_disabled", true)
tween.interpolate_property(self, "offset:x", 0, 500,
0.5, Tween.TRANS_BACK, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
Score and level
As our score increases, we’ll want the game’s difficulty to increase as well. This means that when we get points, we’ll need to check if we’ve passed a certain threshold (circles_per_level
). We may also have other things that give us points besides jumping on a circle. To make this easier to handle, we’ll give our score variable a setget
method in the main script:
var score = 0 setget set_score
var level = 0
And update the new_game()
to use that method:
func new_game():
self.score = 0
level = 1
Do the same with the score change in _on_Jumper_captured()
, and we’ll move the HUD update into our new set_score()
func _on_Jumper_captured(object):
$Camera2D.position = object.position
self.score += 1
func set_score(value):
score = value
if score > 0 and score % settings.circles_per_level == 0:
level += 1
$HUD.show_message("Level %s" % str(level))
Try the game and you should see a “Level 2” message on the screen when you reach five points.
Moving circles
Part of the level progression is going to be increased difficulty. One way we’ll do that is by making some circles move. We already have multiple circle types (static and limited), but either of those should be capable of moving, so this won’t be a new circle type. Instead, it will be a property that any circle can have.
Open up the Circle
scene and add a Tween
node called “MoveTween”. Add this to the top of the circle script:
onready var move_tween = $MoveTween
var move_range = 100 # Distance the circle moves.
var move_speed = 1.0 # The circle's movement speed.
If move_range
is 0
, we’ll have a non-moving circle. We’ll make the default 100
here so that we can test it out.
To handle the movement, we’ll start the MoveTween
. When it ends, we’ll start it again in the opposite direction, using the tween_completed
This is the code to start the movement. Connect the tween_completed
signal to this function:
func set_tween(object=null, key=null):
if move_range == 0:
move_range *= -1
move_tween.interpolate_property(self, "position:x",
position.x, position.x + move_range,
move_speed, Tween.TRANS_QUAD, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
Finally, we’ll add set_tween()
to the end of the init()
function and we can try it out.
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