Click to move


You want to move a 3D object to a clicked position.


We’ll start with a flat plane for our world. Our actor will move on this plane.

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The actor for this demo is a triangular prism mesh:

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Here is the code for the movement. If given a target, the object will turn and move toward it.

extends CharacterBody3D

@export var speed = 5
@export var gravity = -5

var target = Vector3.ZERO

func _physics_process(delta):
    velocity.y += gravity * delta
    if target:
        look_at(target, Vector3.UP)
        rotation.x = 0
        velocity = -transform.basis.z * speed
        if transform.origin.distance_to(target) < .5:
            target = Vector3.ZERO
            velocity = Vector3.ZERO

We’ve also added a MeshInstance3D called “Marker” to the scene. This will be moved to indicate the clicked position.

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Mouse -> 3D

Now we need a way to map mouse position into our 3D world. If you imagine the screen as a window into the 3D world, the mouse is trapped on the glass. To select something in 3D, we must project a ray from our eye (the camera), through the mouse’s position and into the world.

While this can be done manually using the Camera3D’s project_ray methods, we can take advantage of the fact that CollisionObject3D nodes do this automatically. All we need to do is connect our StaticBody3D ground’s input_event signal:

func _on_StaticBody_input_event(camera, event, click_position, click_normal, shape_idx):
    if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
        $Marker.transform.origin = click_position
        $ = click_position

We set the position of the marker and the Player’s target to the clicked position:

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Wrapping up

You can use this technique to detect clicks on any objects in your 3D world.