Starting and Ending the Game

Our last step is to add a start button and a “game over” state to the game.

Starting the game

Currently when we run the game, it starts immediately. Let’s add a button to start it.

In Main as a child of the CanvasLayer, add a CenterContainer and set its layout to Full Rect. Then add a TextureButton child. Name this button Start and add the START (48 x 8).png image as its Normal texture.

Add a reference at the top of the script:

@onready var start_button = $CanvasLayer/CenterContainer/Start

Connect this button’s pressed texture to Main and add this code:

func _on_start_pressed():

The new_game() function handles starting the game, so change _ready() so that it no longer spawns enemies, but just ensures the button is showing:

func _ready():
#	spawn_enemies()

Now add the new_game() function:

func new_game():
    score = 0

Now the button should show when you run the scene, and pressing it starts the game.

Ending the game

Add a TextureRect as a child of the CenterContainer and name the node GameOver. Use the GAME_OVER (72 x 8).png image. It will overlap with the start button, but that’s ok, we’re only ever going to show one at a time.

Add another reference at the top of the script:

@onready var game_over = $CanvasLayer/CenterContainer/GameOver

And add game_over.hide() to _ready().

Connect the player’s died signal in Main.

func _on_player_died():
    get_tree().call_group("enemies", "queue_free")
    await get_tree().create_timer(2).timeout

This will show the “game over” image for 2 seconds, then switch back to the start button so you can play again. Try it out and see if you can play a few games.
